miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

Post 9: English Language challenges

Today's topic is a kind of self evaluation of the english course. I'll start by saying that english is one of the languages that I really like, mainly because the academic topics that I like have the most prestigious publications written in english. Also a great part of the news and information of my hobbies are written in this foreign language. So, since several years so far that I'm reading a lot of english and it has helped me a lot to learn a lot of vocabulary.
Regarding to the english at the university I think it has helped me quite a lot to improve my listening and speaking skills because I heard english every week since clasess started (except the days that I was absent). The use of the blogs sessions have helped me to practice my written skills but I must confess that I wans't very exited about writing my blog and that's because this classes were so late that most of the time I didn't have so much energy left. Some times the topics of the blogs weren't so entertaining to me and it was very dificult to reach the required number of words.

Now talking about the aspects of my english that need to be improved I definitely need to get better in the speaking part and I'm not still good enough writing, but sadly I have no immediately plans to get better.

Outside the english class, when it comes to speak with other people I'm not using my english at all, but as I said before, when it comes to read I use my english almost every day because I usually visit some websites and I also read some articles that are completely written in english. I also watch some videos and TV channels in wich the host are english speakers.

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

Post 8: My Future Job

Certainly it's difficult to predict the future (making reference to my future job), but I'm pretty sure about what I want to do.

Respecting to my major I'm thinking of taking an Archaeology related one but I'm not really sure yet. I'm considering to study something related with heritage because I think that the conservation of our archaeological herritage it's very important mainly because it's priceless. Also I'm very interested in how the archaeological knowledge is passed to the "common" people because there are several myths or false theories (for example all the 2012 Maya or end of the world theories). In the same way the people really don't know much about how did the people live in the sames territories we use nowadays but in the past.
For these reasons I would like to get a Job related as a researcher in a museum, so in that way I could do some investigation to draw the attention of the public and kids to be more interested in archaeological related themes and I could help in the difficult labour of getting closer with the past.
The more important aspects to make my desition with a particular job would be that the project of the institution to be closer to my own interest (for example to spread the archaeological knowledege to the population). Another important aspect would be in a great work atmosphere.
If I were asked about my strenghts, I would say that when I'm really interested in a Job it became my passion and also I'm good when it comes to explain a subject or teaching something. On the other side I'm terrible at working in a subject that I don't really like.